Saturday, February 7, 2009

Exploring My Topic

The first place I searched was actually from a co-worker who is Muslim.  My co-worker is actually sister of a Muslim who ran for the Colorado House Of Representatives.  I asked her about my topic and she made some good recommendations.  
One of the sites she told me about was Project MAPS (Muslim Americans in the public square). The link she directed me to was an actual interview from the director of the project.
Another interesting tidbit we had in our conversation was that the Muslim race is divided into sub-races.  In other words it consists of several ethnicities. I checked out The Pew Center's website for a breakdown and better understanding of these ethnicities.
The main reason i chose this topic was due to the fact that we have our first African-American President in office.  Barack Obama has done something many thought was impossible, he has essentially changed the landscape of politics, I found a great article from the International Herald Tribune. This article presents us with a view on his election and how many felt.  It also talks about some of the misperceptions among whites and blacks in politics

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