Tuesday, May 12, 2009

14: Reflecting on What You Learned

This class was interesting to say the least, I can safely say that the most important thing I took out of this class was the ability to learn how to find sources. I have done papers in the past that required a source here and there, which mostly came in the form of websites. During the semester I was able to learn the importance of credible sources. The use of journals and scholarly articles will always in most cases give credibility to any research assignment you do. I am a Sports Industry Major and by taking this class will help me find research if I go into the journalism side of sports. I enjoyed the semester and learned a lot.

Monday, May 4, 2009

13. Reporting on the Application Project

My project that I chose for my application project is an editorial. With the topic of my paper I think it gives me a good subject to argue some valid points. The website I found gives a few examples of some of the different editorial letters written. I basically will be using the examples as a springboard to create my editorial.

The only thing I have done so far is look at different examples of different editorials. I looked up a few websites with examples and have started to compile a few different examples. I have narrowed my editorial to focussing on a specific race. Although I will reference some others, i think by focusing on one will make my paper easier to read.

I still have to write out my editorial, as I mentioned I have only done my research so far and will begin to write a rough draft as soon as the next few days. I'm not sure what kind of angle I am going to focus on, once i begin my draft I will get a better idea.